If good food or drink, really were just pleasurable then no matter how much we ate or drank, we would feel greater and greater happiness in equal measure.
Instead, if we partake excessively, we begin to suffer in our bodies and our minds. This indicates that these experiences of pleasure have an inner nature of pain."
-Dalai Lama from "The Art of Happiness"
I had to read that over and over to really apply it to my life (and still do.) Instantly I accepted the truth of the statement, that the over indulging I always do reflects my unhappiness. But to change thought and live everyday motivated by an inner nature of happiness...that is the challenge. I suppose it would take years to achieve this, considering how jaded we are, but I think experiencing life less material objects and excess might be the final step to appreciating what we have enough to find happiness in just living.

"Since motivation precedes and drives actions, controlling it is the best way to prevent impulsive and possibly abusive physical and verbal actions. When you suddenly want something and just reach out and take it without considering the consequences, your desire is expressing itself impulsively.
Without benefit of reflection.
Continually examine your motivation." -Dalai Lama...
That's the hardest part- continually. We forget and forget and forget. That and compassion. I have a necklace that reads "compassion" on it, and even when I'm wearing it I forget to be patient with the asshole who just cut me off, or the bitch at the counter. Its hard. But without religion, this is my spirituality and the root is happiness. If we can get to the point where our motivation is true happiness...inner nature and all, I believe we can be satisfied beyond belief regardless of where we are. Alcohol...food....clothes...these things are not the answer. (waves, friends, laughter...?)
I was listening to NPR the other day and some researcher was talking about a study they did on people and happiness. They found that the people that rated themselves as very happy and content with life, all were surrounded by a close knit group of friends. I believe this is true. I have never been unhappy with life so long as I was surrounded with my friends. Just because they are not near us doesn't mean we don't have them. We have to make the best of where we live.

i guess this is my new break