Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Hello Economy...its us, Generation Y

I originally intended to write about why I and all the early 20 somethings alike, are feeling like shit with this bulimic bastard economy...but in my attempt to be optimistic (thank you blog) I decided to search for the silver lining. Side note- I just realized I can't write and listen to music at the same time because it interrupts the flowing literature I am attempting. cough cough. ha. but seriously.

We all remember the confusion and anger that steamed during our pubescence years, well I've decided that there should be an equally awkward classification for the period following college graduation. Maybe they could call it adulterty, like puberty but for"adults"...hmm, maybe not, sounds too much like adultery. Nonetheless, we are facing similar uncertainty transitioning (or should I say gimping) into full fledged independent adulthood. Can I get an amen?

Now this wouldn't be such a big deal if we graduated when the economy was booming and it was a sure shot to specialize in anything but elementary education or art and have a high paying job instantly (not totally realistic.) But we are entering the job market at an all time low with parents that expect us to have 401ks and pensions and one of those fancy corporate ladders. Sorry I'm such a disappointment dad. Yeah I'll get right on that 401k/pension b.s. that I keep reading in the paper. Oh, that's right, they are worthless now that the stock market plummeted. And why do I want to rely on social security when we all know it won't be around for us Y-ers.

And that's my point. Relax, don't feel the pressure. We're cool. While baby boomers and genXers are watching their retirement melt away, and their savings becoming less and less valuable, our debt is doing the same thing. Yey for debt. Not to mention, I don't own a you? Do we even want to?

This is our chance to relax. Allowed by our financial flexibility (no kids no house no worries.) We're in a no pressure zone and its them experiencing the turbulence. The housing market will turn around along with the job market, like it always does, and hopefully we'll be there ready to take advantage of it. Our economy has slewed around (with the Bush administration) for too long and she is just reaping the repercussions. Unfortunately, her unwanted babies are being adopted by the government (baby big corp.) Yeah I'm pro choice...and becoming less of a fan of the "free market" (there is no such thing by the way...shhhh corporation sounds a lot like corruption.)

Luckily, our fearless leader is picking up the pieces and giving us some hope for recovery. "Generation Y" "Echo Boomers" "Millennium Gen" we're sitting pretty amidst the biggest economic meltdown since the depression. And after the drama of Clinton's fellatio, our country being attacked, 8 years of the worst President in history, and a continuing war, we've been through some shit and no stock market blow up is gonna get us down. We're going to build our riches on the dump left behind after all of this is over. Who's with me? :)